Llusern are pleased and proud to be working with the Bevan Commission to tackle the problem of UTIs. Llusern, in partnership with Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board, Tritech Insititute, Public Health Wales, EKF Diagnostics Ltd and the University of South Wales, have been awarded funding from the Bevan Commission’s Planned Care Innovation Programme.
Read more about this novel project here:Â https://www.bevancommission.org/projects/tackling-the-neglected-disease-in-our-midst-towards-evidence-based-treatment-decisions-for-urinary-tract-infections-at-point-of-care/
The Lodestar DX analyser and testing system is registered with the European Patent Office (European Patent Application no: 22732302.9) and the US Patent and Trademark Office (no.18/558,490).