The Lodestar DX UTI testing system is designed for use in human and veterinary settings where professional users need fast, accurate results to aid clinical decision making.


Rapid molecular Urinary Tract Infection testing

Urinary Tract Infections are a neglected disease. We need faster, more accurate and inexpensive UTI diagnostics to improve the way we treat patients and to allow us to reduce the volume of antibiotic prescriptions issued.

The Lodestar UTI test has been developed to help combat the rise in both UTI and AMR. It has been designed for use in busy near patient settings where space, time and money is at a premium.

By providing easily interpreted results Lodestar UTI helps to inform antibiotic decision making by clinicians in both human and veterinarian medicine.

  • UK Conformity Assessed (UK CA)
  • Tests for multiple bacterial pathogens simultaneously from one urine sample
  • Rapid: Sample-to-result in less than 40 minutes
  • Convenient: Test the sample at any time on the day of collection. There is no need to test the sample immediately
  • Accurate: 98% sensitivity and 91% specificity for E.coli; 88% overall sensitivity and 87% overall specificity
  • 10 μL urine sample is required
  • Easy to use: No extraction step is required which means sample preparation can be completed in a few minutes
  • Make evidence-based treatment decisions, improve antibiotic stewardship and reduce the impact of AMR

Lodestar DX

The Lodestar DX analyser has the ability to take accurate, low cost molecular testing out of busy central laboratories and into near-patient settings.

Lodestar is lightweight and small. It easily fits into busy primary care and laboratory  settings or, because of its robust build and simple design, can be used in the field and run off a car battery.

Key features

  • Isothermal LAMP technology provides molecular PCR-standard accuracy comparable to microbiological culture analysis
  • Small footprint: 140 mm (w) x 200 mm (d) x 90 mm (h)
  • Lightweight and portable: 720 g
  • LED lights indicate presence (or absence) of bacteria
  • Connectivity via Bluetooth or USB
  • No servicing required
  • Operates on 240-12V power
  • 12 month warranty from date of installation


Five steps to fast UTI results

Step 1

Transfer 10 μl of patient urine into the diluent tube.

Step 2

Transfer 5 μl of the mixed liquid from the diluent tube into the first reaction tube. Use the pipette tip to mix the liquids together until they turn blue.

Step 3

Repeat the process for the five other tubes, plus the positive control.

Step 4

Place the test panel into the Lodestar DX analyser and press ‘Start’.

Step 5

The test will run for 35 minutes. At the end of the run results will be displayed on the LED lights. The table opposite shows the bacterial identification for each tube:

View the demo here
Tube no. Bacterial identification
1 Escherichia coli
2 Enterococcus spp. or Staphylococcus aureus
3 Staphylococcus saprophyticus
4 Proteus mirabilis
5 Pseudomonas aeruginosa
6 Klebsiella pneumoniae
+ (Positive control)
- (Negative control)

A RED LED indicates a ‘positive’ result

A GREEN LED indicates a ‘negative’ result.

If more than one bacterial tube is positive, this could indicate a mixed infection.

Watch our demonstration video

Simple sample preparation that requires only basic pipetting skills and a 35 minute run time mean that the Lodestar UTI test can make a significant difference to patient diagnosis and have a positive impact on antibiotic prescribing decisions.

The Lodestar DX analyser and testing system is registered with the European Patent Office (European Patent Application no: 22732302.9) and the US Patent and Trademark Office (no.18/558,490).